EN Microsoft audio driver RU Microsoft audio driver DE Microsoft audio driver FR Microsoft audio driver ES Microsoft audio driver IT Microsoft audio driver CZ Microsoft audio driver PT Microsoft audio driver PL Microsoft audio driver US Microsoft audio driver NL Microsoft audio driver CA Microsoft audio driver AU Microsoft audio driver

Microsoft audio driver

File Name: microsoft-audio-driver.exe
Version: 1.5.7
Driver Date: 24 October 2020
File Size: 8,659 KB
Rating: 4.65/5 Rating 4.88/5 for Microsoft audio driver

1) Choose Operation System:

Downloaded: 92,728 times
Last Time: 14 December 2024

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User Comments

20-Apr-21 07:12

05-Mar-21 11:30
AAAAHHH!!!! This Driver ROX!

10-Dec-20 15:56
Nice Microsoft audio

22-Sep-20 22:42
awesome driver for Microsoft audio !!1

09-Dec-19 16:51
luv this x x

22-Jul-19 05:55
Awsome! Thx a lot mate. It works great

20-Nov-18 18:30
Not a bad DL speed... Microsoft audio

15-Feb-18 21:05
Guide work perfectly on my computer.. Microsoft audio

Microsoft audio driver

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